Country Life in Japan: 田舎暮らし/二拠点生活

Country life in traditional Japanese house

植樹計画 / Plan to plant trees



We really enjoyed planting saplings of persimmon, we decided to have more trees in the garden. My husband insisted that we must have a Sakura (cherry blossom) tree as a Japanese, and I studied what other typical Japanese trees were and whether we can enjoy fruits or just flowers.

Japanese apricot (Ume) was an option. I learnt that there are two types, one is just for flowers and another will produce a fruit although we need two trees with different breed to pollinate them.

We also thought about chestnut, which produces sweet harvests, but we knew our neighbor has one and they would share some with us.

Loquat (biwa) should be also nice. I heard that, in addition to its juicy fruits, we can use the leaves for medical treatments.

As the place is limited, we need to develop a plan to plant trees and other flowers and vegitables.