Country Life in Japan: 田舎暮らし/二拠点生活

Country life in traditional Japanese house

庭造り計画の続き / Continuation of gardening plan





Now summer is over and it’s getting cooler, weeds are growing much slower.
Autumn is also a good time to plant bulbs and seedlings for next spring.
Taking advantage of this spring-summer experience and reflection, we decided to proceed with our gardening plan during this fall and winter in order to create a garden where flowers in full bloom next spring and weeds will hardly grow.

First, we updated our garden plan. What I have been longing for is to create a big flower bed and to plant flowers under the cherry blossoms trees. So, again, we asked the neighbor gardener if we can purchase soils for the flower bed. (The answer was of course Yes!)

I read many books and watched many videos about gardening, and thought it should be a good idea to create the hedge along the stream. Then, the issue was, what kind of tree should be used for the hedge? We need further research.
