Country Life in Japan: 田舎暮らし/二拠点生活

Country life in traditional Japanese house

花壇の植栽2- 花 / Flowerbed planting 2 – Flowers




The first thing I did was plant the bulbs around the tree, which I had always admired. Although it is a little different from the Japanese origin, we planted bulbs such as tulips, crocuses, daffodils, muscari, and snowdrops around the cherry blossoms. I’m looking forward to spring!
However, what I failed a little was that it was still warm in mid-October and muscari sprouted. With this, it seems that only the leaves, not flowers, will be splendid.
Also, it seems that tulips need to be replaced every year because the temperature in Japan has risen sharply from May and the bulbs are damaged and cannot be stored enough to bloom the next year.

Many flowers bloom in spring, so I was wondering what should be for summer. Then, I got a seedling of wild Easter lily from a neighbor!
By the way, I didn’t know that lilies would grow in both seeds and strains. I also got a flower bunch that was packed with a surprising amount of seeds.



In addition, I bought the bellflower and gentian seedlings that were sold at a shop on impulse. It was lovely to see small purple flowers in bloom.
I got a seedling of Christmas rose and garden cyclamen from the neighbor gardener.
We also planted Fukujusou (ordering), which have wonderful yellow flowers and announce the new year, and Miyakowasure.
I’m looking forward to spring!

