Country Life in Japan: 田舎暮らし/二拠点生活

Country life in traditional Japanese house

花壇の植栽3- 低木 / Flowerbed planting 3












The following plants were candidates for our flowerbed, which would not interfere with the cherry blossoms and Japanese apricots that had already been planted.

For Rosa rugosa, pink flowers bloom in early summer and red fruits become edible in autumn, so I thought we can have flower not in spring but in summer and enjoy the fruits in autumn. However, when I consulted with the gardener, he said there were quite painful thorns and it is better to plant it in a place that is hard to reach.
As such, I decided not having this shrub in our garden as I wanted to plant it in the middle of the flowerbed.

Gardenia has white flowers with a very nice scent, which will bloom in early summer. However, this plant will easily be liked by pest insects, that is a bit difficult for us to take care as we can only spend our time in garden on weekends.

Japanese bush cherry has red fruits after the pink flowers bloom in May, and the leaves turn red in autumn. We can enjoy this plant for long time. Also, it is strong and easy to grow. We decided to plant this.

Hydrangea is my favorite flower, and I am fascinated by its quiet blooming in the rainy season in June, but unfortunately our garden is open to the southwest and is exposed to direct sunlight throughout the day. I gave up because the environment seems to be harsh for hydrangea, which likes shade.

Daphne odra is evergreen, and it blooms fragrant flowers in February-March. It also easy to grow. We decided to plant this.

For Cornus florida, pink flowers bloom in spring, colored leaves in autumn, and the dwarf varieties have a compact tree shape, so we decided to plant this.

Kerria Japonica has golden flowers in spring, which was the origin of the color called “Yamabuki”. I thought it would be good to have flowers of different colors while there are many pink flowers in our garden. Also, this plant is often appeared in the poems created in ancient time, that means ancient people also loved this. We decided to plant this.

As above, we decided to employ Japanese bush cherry, Daphne odra, Cornus florida and Kerria Japonica.