Country Life in Japan: 田舎暮らし/二拠点生活

Country life in traditional Japanese house

花壇の植栽1 / Flowerbed planting 1



  • 一年草よりは多年草もしくは宿根草を植え、一度植えたら数年はそのまま、もしくは少しの世話でいいようにする。
  • 年間を通して鑑賞する植物があるようにする。
  • なるべく日本古来もしくは古くに渡来した植物を植えて和風の花壇にする。(その方が環境に適していてよく育ちもするし)
  • 花壇が広くて草花だけでは全面に植えられないので、すでに植わっている桜や梅の邪魔にならない低木も植える。
  • 花壇の前面や縁はグランドカバープランツを植え、雑草が花壇に侵入するのを防ぐ。また、植物と植物の間もなるべく雑草が生えないように、グランドカバープランツを植える。
  • 隣の畑との境界にある擁壁に近い部分は土が乾きにくく苔が生えやすいので、そういった環境が好きなグランドカバープランツを植える。


As the flowerbed was filled with soil and hedges were created, I started to think about what to plant in the flowerbed. October is a good time to plant. Since I can only take care of my garden on weekends, I made the following policy with the aim of creating a nice and low-maintenance flowerbed.

  • Planting perennials rather than ephemeral plants so that, once planted, we can leave them alone for several years or take care of them a little.
  • Having plants to appreciate throughout the year.
  • Planting those Japanese native or came in ancient times in order to make Japanese-style flower beds. (Also, they are more suitable for the environment and grow well)
  • Since the flowerbed is wide and flowers cannot be planted on the entire surface, we also plant shrubs that do not interfere with the cherry blossoms and apricots that have already been planted.
  • Using ground cover plants on the front and edges of the flowerbed to prevent weeds from invading the flowerbed. Also, planting them between plants so that weeds can hardly grow.
  • Since the soil is hard to dry and moss grows easily in the part near the retaining wall on the border with the adjacent garden, we plant ground cover plants that like such an environment.

Considering the above, I paid a lot of effort to research and select the plants.
Excel table showing the flowering time of plants, color of flowers, leaves and fruits, height, cold resistance, heat resistance, frequency of watering, sun / shade, place of origin, pruning, fertilization, pests, how to increase, etc. I summarized it in. (At the moment, there are more than 200 lines, already…)