Country Life in Japan: 田舎暮らし/二拠点生活

Country life in traditional Japanese house

柚子 / Yuzu citrus



Winter is the season for yuzu. There is a yuzu tree in the land of a neighbor that no one picks, and it bears a lot of fruits, so he would give them to us.
It’s commonly said in Japan, “Peach and chestnuts take 3 years, 8 years for persimmons, 13 years for Japanese apricots, and Yuzu is such idiots taking 18 years.” which means Yuzu needs long time to bear fruits.
We use the dirty or damaged ones in the bath (yuzu bath is very popular and healthy by making our body warm) and the good ones for:
– pickled in honey (we can use this for tea with hot water)
– yuzu pepper, by peeling yuzu skin and mixing with chili and salt (usually this is made with green yuzu, but it is more flavorful and delicious with ripe yellow ones)
– yuzu seed medicated alcohol drink (just soaked in white liquor and then will be sweet and fragrant).
I will also try Yuzu miso as I got a recipe. It’s really wonderful to have foods aligning with the changing seasons.
