Country Life in Japan: 田舎暮らし/二拠点生活

Country life in traditional Japanese house

玉ねぎとニンニク / Growing Onion and Garlic




Autumn is the time to start growing onions and garlic. As we like them and it should be convenient to keep them all the time, we wanted to try it. However, the issue was, we also wanted to fertilize the soil in our kitchen garden during winter.

Then, our neighbor kindly asked us if we want to grow onions and garlic in his farm. Our answer was of course Yes!
We planted 50 onion seedlings and 20 garlics next to his, which was late October, and before we did, he would prepare the place by covering the soil with mulch to keep the soil warm and to prevent weeds growth.

Now in December, both onions and garlic are growing well, but weeds as well. Despite covering the soil with mulch, weeds robustly found the place and rooted around. How strong they are! Sorry for weeds, but we pull out you as we want to have good onions and garlic.
