Country Life in Japan: 田舎暮らし/二拠点生活

Country life in traditional Japanese house

なぜ田舎暮らしを始めるのか / What gave me the idea of country life



As I wrote in the "about" page, when I got 40, I started thinking about my life after retired.

The book that gave me the idea of country life is the one written by a Japanese old couple “Tomorrow will be fine” and its movie “Life is Fruity“. They are over 80s, living with a kitchen garden of 300 square meters, and said that “We have not been saving money but time. What we can leave our children is land and soil.”

I also long for the life shown in the book “Yamato nun temple“. Three women live in a mountain temple in cooperation with local people and cook traditional Japanese foods.

My favorite stories and the gardens are by Tasha Tudor, a children’s book illustrator and a gardener, Dalemain Cumbria in England, and the famous Beatrix Potter for Peter Rabbit.

Under the pandemic due to Covid-19, I had plenty of time to think about and reconized the importance and difficulties of keeping up our life.
As such, we decided to start our project for country life, which had been in our mind. First we will prepare to settle in the country during the next 10 years, and then will move there.
We are excited to share our experience and feelings with you during our course of developing Japanese country life.