Country Life in Japan: 田舎暮らし/二拠点生活

Country life in traditional Japanese house

物件探し① 別荘地の家 / House Hunting 1: Log Cabin

ー 現在住んでいる場所から車で1時間以内の距離にあること。当面の間は頻繁に行き来する必要があるので。
ー 予算は最大で2000万円。できれば1500万円以下。
ー 作物を育てたいので建物を含め200坪の土地は必要。
ー 陽当たりのいい場所が望ましい。

最初は Home’s や at home といったサイトで探し始め、慣れるとより条件に合った詳細なサイトを確認しました。


We started house hunting in July 2020. The conditions of the house were as follows.
– It should be located within 1 hour by car from our current place as we need to come and go before we totally move there.
– The budget is 200,000 USD at maximum, hopefully under 150,000 USD.
– The area has at least 600 square meters including house as we want to grow plants.
– Sunny place is preferable.

With these conditions, we checked more than 20 properties in total.
We started from online site such as LIFUL Home’sat home, etc. and then went to more detailed sites.

The first property we visited was in the village of cottages that was developed about 30 years ago in Kameoka, Kyoto. There are about 30 cottages in the area, mainly log cabins. Target property was being sold for 125,000 USD, which actually had two cabins, the one was originally built when the place was developed and the other one was built by the owner 14 years ago. The original one was big, having two floors, and its equipment is still OK, it can be repaired or redecorated by DIY. The new one is flat house (one floor) and is just right size and floor plan.
The reason why they built the other one was because the original one leaned. According to the real estate agent, now the problem was fixed and their son used it, so it’s possible to lent out one house while we live in the other.
This suggestion was attractive, and the price was within the budget, the distance was less than 1 hour. However, why we gave up this property was the place was in the forest and we felt too humid and gloomy.
When I checked it online, I was so excited because it seemed to meet the conditions. So it was disappointing and we learnt that visiting property is important.