Country Life in Japan: 田舎暮らし/二拠点生活

Country life in traditional Japanese house

物件探し⑪ 条件の更新 / House Hunting 11: Revision of our hunting conditions


ー 現住所より1時間の場所が望ましいが、1時間半でもいいこととする。
ー 近隣の家とは十分な距離があること。(田舎は土地が広いし、せっかく田舎に住むのであれば)
ー 陽当たりがよく明るい
ー 新鮮な空気と風通し

ー ありふれた、何の変哲もない、スクラップ&ビルドの家ではないこと。
ー プレハブ工法で建てられた家ではないこと。
ー 適切に維持することを考えると平屋が望ましい。(広すぎないこと)
ー 作物を育てたり、花壇を作ったり、バーベキューをしたりするのに十分な広さの庭があること。
ー 近隣に農地があり、将来もし欲しいと思ったときに入手可能なこと。

ー 従来通り、最大で2000万円で、可能であれば1500万円以下。


ー 家づくりにおけるコンセプト
ー 家づくりの進め方
ー 予算や資金計画の準備
ー 家を建てる土地、特に、土壌、地盤、陽当たりなど環境について
ー 家の構造、材料、設計、部屋割り、工法などについての基礎的な知識


ー 山や川のすぐ側ではないこと。洪水や土砂崩れがあるかもしれないので。水位より低い土地は望ましくない。
ー 軟弱地盤を避ける。(地震の多い日本では絶対)
ー 地名を確認する。もしかすると、過去の災害の歴史を表しているかもしれないので。

ー 木でできた家がいい。(そして私は、家に使われている木材がそれぞれ何か見分けられる人になりたい・・・)


As we gave up the Kominka sold for 80,000 USD and our vision was getting clearer, we revised the conditions for our house hunting as below.

Location and Place
– Hopefully within 1 hour by car from our current place, but can be acceptable within 1.5 hour.
– Not in a New Town nor in a village of cottages.
– Having enough distance with neighbor’s house as the land in countryside is wide.
– Sunny and bright
– Fresh air and winds

House and Garden / Firm
– Not a banal, uninteresting, and scrap&build house.
– House built with the prefabricated method is unacceptable.
Flat floor house (single floor house) is preferable, considering our maintaining work.
– Wide enough garden to grow plants, make a flower bed, have barbecue, etc.
– Farm is available in neighbor and can be obtained if we want in the future.

– Same as before. 200,000 USD at maximum, hopefully under 150,000 USD.

While we keep looking for our ideal house, we joined in the seminar invited by the archtect the other day. The seminar was held periodically online, six sessions usually on Saturdays, almost for free, and about everything for a rich life including:
– How to define the concept of our house
– How to proceed house building
– Preparation for the budget and fund planning
– Laws and regulations such as right of light, building restrictions, etc.
– How to choose the land to build a house, especially about soil, ground, sunshine, and other environmental issues
– Basic knowledge about house structure, materials, design, layout, building method, etc.

There were ten to twenty more people in the seminar. It was a good opportunity to learn about house and discuss with other people.
As a result of the seminar, we added some more conditions.

Location and Place
– Not by a river or mountains. That can cause floods or landslide. Place that is lower than the water level is unpreferable.
– Avoiding soft ground as we have many earthquakes in Japan
– Checking the name of the place. Behind, it may be named to represent a history of disaster.

– Built with wood is preferable. (I want to be a person who can identify the name of each wooden material in the house…)

Our house hunting journey is still going on!