Country Life in Japan: 田舎暮らし/二拠点生活

Country life in traditional Japanese house

物件探し⑤ 長所と短所 / House Hunting 5: Pros and Cons


ー 距離。30~50分ほどで行き来できること。直近10年は、年老いた両親や仕事のことなどで完全に移住することは難しく、近いに越したことはない。

ー サイズ。郊外の家や庭のサイズは大き過ぎないので、きちんと手入れ・管理できそうなこと。作物を育てたいと思っていましたが、特に直近10年間は、本当にそんなことができるのか不安でした。


ー 不便なこと。通勤するわけではないのでバスや電車がほとんどないのはいいとしても、近隣に店がないような場所で快適に過ごせるのか?

ー 物件の残存価値 または 再販可能性。家の販売価格は安いけれども、本当に投資する価値があるのか? ただ家を消費するだけになるのか?それとも価値を保てるのか?

ー 農業をする夢。農業をして、なるべく自給自足の生活をする夢を諦められるのか?将来、世界人口は90億人になり食糧危機がくるかもしれないが、、、

ー 変わりばえしないこと。郊外の家で過ごすことは簡単すぎて、後40年もあるのに、すぐに慣れてしまうのでは?


- 家や土地の価格。通常、田舎の家や土地は安いと思われる。
ー 農地。おそらく安く、いくらでも好きなだけ農地を買うまたは借りることができると思われる。
ー 変化。環境や文化は大きく異なるので、新しいことにチャレンジできる。
ー 物件の残存価値。おそらく田舎に住みたいという一定の需要があると思われる。


ー 距離。より遠く、高速代や車のガソリン代がかかる。
ー 家や土地のサイズ。通常大きいので、きちんと管理できる?


I was still thinking about two options.
One is buying a house in far suburban town. The good points of this idea are as follows.

  • Distance. It takes just 30 to 50 minutes by car and we can easily come and go. This is important for us as we will need 10 years to totally move to country because of our old parents, work, etc.
  • Size. The size of garden and house is not too big. If we obtain too big land, we may not able to maintain it. I was longing for the life with farming, but I was not sure if we can take care of the farm properly, especially in the coming 10 years.

On the other hand, the considering points are:

  • Inconvenience. No buses and trains will be fine as we will not commute from this place. However, even if we don’t have to commute, could we stay comfortably without any shops in the area?
  • Residual value / Resale possibility. The price of house is reasonable, but is it worth the investment? Do we just consume the house or can we keep the value?
  • Farming dream. Can we give up the idea of farming and having self-sufficient life? In the future, the world population will reach 9 billion and we could have a problem in food supply.
  • Any changes in our life. Is it too easy for us to live in far suburban town? We have 40 more years, but soon are we going to get used to it?

Another option is buying a house in countryside, which takes about 1 hour or more with highway. Good points for this option are:

  • Price of house and land. It should be cheap in country.
  • Farm. We could purchase or borrow farming land with reasonable price as much as we like.
  • Big change in our life. The environment and even culture can be very different. We can challenge new things.
  • Residual value. There might be continuous some demands of the people who want to live in country.

Disadvantages are:

  • Distance. It takes more time to get there and more costs for using highway and petrol for car.
  • Size. Usually the size of houses and lands in country is big. Can we maintain them?

The best is finding one with reasonable price in closer place, which meets all the requirements, but that is not available.
Based on my thought above, I realized that we haven’t visited enough houses in countryside. So I decided to expand the scope.