Country Life in Japan: 田舎暮らし/二拠点生活

Country life in traditional Japanese house

物件探し⑩ 将来資金計画 / House Hunting 10: Future Money Plan







Even after we were notified about the reality of Kominka renovation, my husband’s heart was still being caught by it.
He said, we don’t have to do all the items we listed up for the renovation, let’s take the minimum ones, so that we can reduce our disbursement. Or, we may increase the amount of our mortgage, we are both working, that can be possible. I don’t want to live in a banal, scrap&build house that could last only 20 to 30 years. I want something special and traditional.

I understood him but became anxious. He says the minimum items, but what are they? How can we choose them? Are they the ones for the house’s structure? How about kitchen and bathroom? Can we live comfortably without them? If we found some damages after we started the renovation, can we fix it? Or just leave it?
For the time being, we both agreed to ask the Japan Kominka Association to have its Kominka inspection service before we start the renovation in order to have more precise estimate.

Meanwhile, I decided to create our future money plan with four scenarios to persuade him.
Scenario 1: Not buying a country house
Scenario 2: Buying the Kominka with 80,000 USD and renovating it
Scenario 3: Finding a good condition Kominka with below 20,000 USD miraculously
Scenario 4: Finding a house that satisfies our wish with the total cost of 200,000 USD

Note that I estimated the cost of renovation for 200,000 USD, but this should be too optimistic. In addition to the initial costs, we also need running costs, especially for the next 10 years as we have double life. I premised that I will keep working until 60 years old with the same salary level as now, but I was not sure if it’s possible.

The result was obvious. Scenario 2 didn’t work, we will face lack of fund before we got 60. I shared the plan with my husband by saying, Do you want to live for mortgage? I don’t. Please think thoroughly about the reason why we want to have country life.
It was in summer holiday. He said he will and will have his conclusion by the end of holiday.

Finally, he said we can’t afford this Kominka. It’s very sad, but let’s return to the beginning and find one with Scenario 3 or 4.
We didn’t have the Kominka inspection as we decided our mind before it.