Country Life in Japan: 田舎暮らし/二拠点生活

Country life in traditional Japanese house

庭造り計画 / Gardening Plan

– ベニシアのハーブ便り
‐ 自然治癒力をひきだす「野菜と野草」のクスリ箱
‐ 無肥料栽培を実現する本
‐ 有機・無農薬でできる野菜づくり大辞典
‐ タキイ種苗HP
‐ サカタのタネHP

As I had no idea about plants, I studied with some books and catalogues of seed companies. Below is what I read and checked.
– Venetia’s Ohara Herb Diary
– Medical box with Herbs and wild grasses
 To achieve fertilizer-free cultivation
– Organic and pesticides free vegetables

– Takii Seed HP
– Sakata Seed HP

After that, I drew a picture of garden plan. Since my husband says he would like to build a cabin in the future (10 years later he says), we divided the garden into two areas, and I can use the half for my gardening.

We will see whether the things would go as planned?
