Country Life in Japan: 田舎暮らし/二拠点生活

Country life in traditional Japanese house

桜と枝垂れ梅 / Cherry blossoms(Sakura) & Weeping Japanese apricot (Shidare Ume)






In addition to soils for kitchen garden , we also asked the neighbor gardener if we can purchase saplings. He said that it is not really his job to prepare just one or two saplings (could be costly than other shops) but he has stocks of a bit older trees, say 4 to 7 years old. Among his stocks, 4-year old Sakura and 7-year old weeping Japanese apricot (ume) were recommended.

We thought it is not necessarily being a sapling (although the price is usually cheaper), and we were fascinated by a weeping breed as we can’t grow it by ourselves. (Also he offered a discount!)

Later, he came to plant the trees. It was the first time for us to see a gardener working, and we were amazed by what he has done. It was really quick, smart and efficient.

We were happy to welcome Sakura and Weeping Japanese apricot in our garden, especially the latter one had flower buds on the branches! These can be memorial trees for our beginning of country life.
