Country Life in Japan: 田舎暮らし/二拠点生活

Country life in traditional Japanese house

掘り炬燵の布団カバー / Cloth cover for kotatsu futon



Kotatsu is a Japanese heating appliance in a form of low table. Electric heating is attached under the table, and a futon (bed comforter) is spread out and covered to keep the warm air inside the futon and under the table. There are mainly two types, a dig kotatsu, where the floor is cut down so that the legs can be bent and the floor can be seated like a chair, and a flat kotatsu, where the floor is at the same height.
It is often said that when you put your legs in the kotatsu, you never want to go out and fall asleep… This is so comfortable in winter.

We have a dig kotatsu in Tatami room. This is very useful, we can use this just as a table in summer, while in winter, it is a must item to get warm.
This kotatsu has a futon with the fabric of floral pattern that we didn’t like that much because we thought the pattern doesn’t go with the Japanese tatami room.
As such, I decided to make a futon cover with a fabric of Japanese patterns using the sewing machine I boutht and just finished before winter comes! How is it?
