Country Life in Japan: 田舎暮らし/二拠点生活

Country life in traditional Japanese house

柚子 / Yuzu citrus



Winter is the season for yuzu. There is a yuzu tree in the land of a neighbor that no one picks, and it bears a lot of fruits, so he would give them to us.
It’s commonly said in Japan, “Peach and chestnuts take 3 years, 8 years for persimmons, 13 years for Japanese apricots, and Yuzu is such idiots taking 18 years.” which means Yuzu needs long time to bear fruits.
We use the dirty or damaged ones in the bath (yuzu bath is very popular and healthy by making our body warm) and the good ones for:
– pickled in honey (we can use this for tea with hot water)
– yuzu pepper, by peeling yuzu skin and mixing with chili and salt (usually this is made with green yuzu, but it is more flavorful and delicious with ripe yellow ones)
– yuzu seed medicated alcohol drink (just soaked in white liquor and then will be sweet and fragrant).
I will also try Yuzu miso as I got a recipe. It’s really wonderful to have foods aligning with the changing seasons.



原木椎茸 / Shiitake mushroom



We tried Shiitake mushroom cultivation as our neighbor asked us if we were interested in.
We bought the fungal thread for just about 500 yen, made some small holes on the surface of cut chestnut trees, and put the fungal in each hole.
We placed them on the ground in the shade to keep them not drying out until spring, and then will lean them against a wall in the shade for a few years. Shiitake mushrooms will grow by taking nutrients of the trees.
This takes time but is fun, and we are looking forward to having Shiitake mushrooms a few years later!



堆肥作り / Compost making



In the fall of autumn leaves, the maples of the nearby temple turn red, its very beautiful and I felt autumn. We were allowed to get the fallen leaves, so we collected and took them home to make compost.
In addition to maples, we put chestnut leaves of the chestnut forest and mixed with rice bran, water, and the ashes of burning weeds. Let’s take a look at how these are processed for a while.



DIY 竹垣 / Bamboo fence




In the middle of summer, I saw a tree with orange blossoms in the garden of the house over the stream. I talked to the owner, “It’s beautiful,” he said he would give me one of them.
I looked up what’s the name of the tree and found that it was called Chinese trumpet vine and better to be planted along with a pole.
Instead of just planting with a pole, if possible, I would like to make a fence that the plant can entwine and will have flowers blooming on the entire surface of the fence.
I consulted with my husband and he suggested to make it out of bamboo. We can get it easily, and “bamboo fence” sounds good. The other day, a neighbor offered us to tell him whenever we needed bamboo, he would give us. So we asked him.

Bamboo is a convenient material to use for many things. It has a strong vitality and increases quickly. We can’t leave it unattended, but if it is thinned out regularly, it can be used for various purposes. Cutting bamboo and carrying it is not as difficult as wood, and it is durable and easy to process.

My husband read books and researched a lot to make a fine bamboo fence. He says that, surprisingly, what was the most difficult was to tie the bamboo with a satin.
He put a stone on the ground and put bamboo on it so that it wouldn’t rot quickly.
He made a pretty big bamboo fence, so I think it should be a good idea to plant other vines such as clematis and morning glory in addition to Chinese trumpet vine.



花壇の植栽5- グランドカバー / Flowerbed planting 5 – Ground cover plants











I learned from our experience that summer in Japan is very hot and rainy, which makes weeds grow at a tremendous rate. So, I decided to use ground cover plants to prevent weeds growing in the gaps between the stones in the walls of the flowerbed, between the plants in the flowerbed, etc.

I knew that moss phlox was common because I often saw it in my neighborhood gardens this spring, but I wondered if there were any other good plants.
I decided to search for others in order to plant additionally. The conditions are: the one likes sunshine, grows and spreads vigorously, being resistant to heat and cold, and the height is short because it will be planted not to interfere with other plants.
The candidates are as follows.

Veronica is famous as a ground cover plant and found a lot of information. I thought it would be nice as it has pretty flowers, but unfortunately I didn’t take this because this is a little vulnerable to the heat and humidity of summer and running out of water.

Rishimakia is good because it has beautiful colored leaves and thick leaves, but it prefers the shade than the place where it is exposed to direct sunlight.

Thymus quinquefolium is an herb found on Mt. Ibuki in Shiga, and it seems to be strong and fragrant. It has origin in Japan and I thought it would be suitable for the environment.

Mazus miquelii likes the sun, and it’s strong, okay to be stepped on. I thought it’s perfect for my flowerbed.

Phyla nodiflora also likes the sun, is strong, can withstand treading, and spreads well, but it has deep roots and is difficult to remove once planted, and probably destroying other plants in the flowerbed. As such, I didn’t take this.

Ophiopogon japonicus is often cultivated in the area where our house is located, and there was a great demand during the 1970s Expo and the 1990s Flower Expo, which I heard from our neighbor, and everyone could afford to build a good house.
This gave me a familiar feeling, and also this plant is good to give a Japanese taste in our garden. So I decided to take this and plant around the trees.
By the way, I did some research to do the lawn, but apparently it was difficult to maintain. Weeds would soon erode it, so unfortunately I gave up.

As above, I decided to plant Thymus quinquefolium, Mazus miquelii and Ophiopogon japonicus in addition to moss phlox.



花壇の植栽4- 日陰の植栽 / Flowerbed planting 4 – Shade plants:



一方、花壇にはまだ半分くらい植える場所があり、思い付く草花の苗や球根は植えてしまったけれどもまだ埋まらず、どうしたものかと思っていました。4本の低木を植えることにしたとはいえ、あと半分を球根と苗で植えるのは、お金もかかるし、何を植えたらいいか思いつかないし、ちょっと無理な気がする… 場所をかせぐには、やっぱりもっと低木を植えるべきかと思い、さらに調べてみたところ、シモツケヒメウツギを見つけました。


Our flowerbed faces southwest and has nothing to block the sun, and the sun shines all day long. It is bright, but it is difficult for the plants that are vulnerable to high temperature and humidity and for those that like shade. Cherry blossoms and Japanese apricots are still small and have not grown enough to create shade and cover other plants. I wanted to plant hydrangea, hosta, etc. but I gave up as many of the Japanese plants like shade.

On the other hand, there is still about half the place to plant in the flowerbed, even after I planted flower seedlings and bulbs that I can think of. I was thinking what should do.
Although I already decided to plant four shrubs, planting the other half with bulbs and seedlings is expensive and unrealizable as I can’t think of what to plant.
After all, I reached that shrubs should be more planted so that we can use more room. Then I investigated further and found spirea japnica and slender deutzia.
Spirea japonica is a deciduous shrub originally from Japan, and even if it grows up to about 1 meter, it blooms in early summer and is resistant to both heat and cold, making it easy to grow.
Slender deutzia is also a deciduous shrub originally from Japan and blooms pretty white flowers.
Both of them are bushy trees, they take up a lot of space, so it seems that they can cover the other half of the flowerbed.

Then, suddenly I got an idea that if I planted them near the corner of the flowerbed, and when they grow up, they will create shade, which would be good for other plants that like shade! I don't have to give up those plants! 
I decided to plant hydrangea that does not grow very large and hosta, etc. I hope them grow up well.



花壇の植栽3- 低木 / Flowerbed planting 3












The following plants were candidates for our flowerbed, which would not interfere with the cherry blossoms and Japanese apricots that had already been planted.

For Rosa rugosa, pink flowers bloom in early summer and red fruits become edible in autumn, so I thought we can have flower not in spring but in summer and enjoy the fruits in autumn. However, when I consulted with the gardener, he said there were quite painful thorns and it is better to plant it in a place that is hard to reach.
As such, I decided not having this shrub in our garden as I wanted to plant it in the middle of the flowerbed.

Gardenia has white flowers with a very nice scent, which will bloom in early summer. However, this plant will easily be liked by pest insects, that is a bit difficult for us to take care as we can only spend our time in garden on weekends.

Japanese bush cherry has red fruits after the pink flowers bloom in May, and the leaves turn red in autumn. We can enjoy this plant for long time. Also, it is strong and easy to grow. We decided to plant this.

Hydrangea is my favorite flower, and I am fascinated by its quiet blooming in the rainy season in June, but unfortunately our garden is open to the southwest and is exposed to direct sunlight throughout the day. I gave up because the environment seems to be harsh for hydrangea, which likes shade.

Daphne odra is evergreen, and it blooms fragrant flowers in February-March. It also easy to grow. We decided to plant this.

For Cornus florida, pink flowers bloom in spring, colored leaves in autumn, and the dwarf varieties have a compact tree shape, so we decided to plant this.

Kerria Japonica has golden flowers in spring, which was the origin of the color called “Yamabuki”. I thought it would be good to have flowers of different colors while there are many pink flowers in our garden. Also, this plant is often appeared in the poems created in ancient time, that means ancient people also loved this. We decided to plant this.

As above, we decided to employ Japanese bush cherry, Daphne odra, Cornus florida and Kerria Japonica.