Country Life in Japan: 田舎暮らし/二拠点生活

Country life in traditional Japanese house

庭造り開始 / Start of gardening





In the very end of December, we felt tired with cleaning up the house and wanted to do something different. So, we decided to plant two-year old sapling of persimmon. We bought two of them with different breed as it was necessary for harvest (it’s commonly said about 8 years).

We started digging and found that there are many stones underground and so hard to dig! We can’t do it with a shovel, we need a pickaxe or mandrel. According to neighbor, there used to be a building and the former owner must have put stones underground for the building foundation.
Thank God that the temperature was around 2-3 degrees Celsius and it was more suitable for hard working than in summer. We gradually realized that it was not easy to create an ideal garden, but we managed to finish digging and planted saplings. The destination is far away.
